the blog of Shawnee Moon


Just announcing that 8 years from the day I started walking (April 1, 2012) I have finally released my book. It’s so new it doesn’t come up in the search results yet, but this link:

The Argonaut Moon on Amazon

will take you to the paperback book’s page on Amazon. There will be an ebook as well; it just needs some formatting so should be up in a day or two.

I started the book when I finished the walk… there’s even a version in my computer in which the story actually ends on a rather dismal note, in August of 2012. But then, as any follower of my blog would know, I subsequently crossed the country on my motorcycle. That gave me an ending to the book, so I continued it. It took me a l-o-n-g time to write, re-write, edit, change. update, delete, rewrite, edit, edit and re-edit the book. My brilliant daughter, who is a digital designer, artist and typographer, designed the look of the book (fonts, cover art, layout, etc) and she helped me edit the text, AND we made the deadline, which I’d set as April 1. The book was uploaded March 31.

When I set the deadline (which was also 4/1/2019, 4/1/2018, etc) I didn’t know it would end up in the middle of this COVID-19 quarantine. That’s both good and bad. Bad, as books are not being given priority shipping by Amazon (food, toilet paper and other essentials for home-sequestered customers are) and bad because I can’t set up any local promotional events like a book signing, a talk, whatever… but good because there’s millions of people stuck at home, and what better way to pass the time than by reading a nice fat adventure story?

The Argonaut Moon is 422 pages long. (the paperback edition) A digital version is forthcoming within the week. I’m also having a limited number of hardback editions published, at my expense, which, once I approve the proof copy, will print within a couple weeks. Those are the ‘gift and thank you’ editions which I will sign and mail to the wonderful people who helped me, befriended me, let me sleep at their house, and of course family and close friends.

In writing the book, I used my blog, my photos, my GPS tracks, my Facebook posts and my crappy memory to recreate the story. I also did some research, so here and there are bits of interesting history about a town or area, the people who lived in the town, about the geography and weather I passed through, some science about motorcycling, some thoughts about walking, about life, about change, and about dreams.

I didn’t write the book thinking I’d have a best-seller. I wrote the book to preserve the story, and for something of me that my kids can have. It not only is a record of the walk and bike trip, but I put a lot of myself, my feelings, MY story in the book as well.

I hope if anyone still looks in on this, or used to, that they might like the book for themselves. It has FINALLY been published and is ready to buy! Enjoy!

The Argonaut Moon on Amazon

3 responses

  1. Bruce Heddy

    CONGRATULATIONS! Just like with the walk itself and all the trials and tribulations that have occurred since then, your persistence has paid off! All you have done from the first spark of an idea to walk across the USA has been a personal triumph of a “can do” spirit. I have indrecible admiration for you. Well done Shawnee, well done.
    Your (now retired) cop friend in NJ, Bruce


    April 4, 2020 at 2:42 PM

    • Hey, I sent an email to piper——
      I was just about to try to track you down for your mailing address so I can send your hardback edition of my book to you. You’re in it after all.

      People were very kind to me and I had no way to repay their (your) kindness, so I’m having a limited number of hardbacks printed for giving to the kind people I met, it’s the least I can do. I would be honored if you’d accept the book; I *want* to give it and I’ll feel gratified in giving back.

      You can email me your address. I’m at

      Thanks, Bruce, wonderful surprise to hear from you! Don’t be a stranger!


      April 7, 2020 at 6:23 AM

  2. An interesting endeavor! And, somewhere in between east and west, I ran into you. Not literally, but in your journey while in Wisconsin. Northern that is, and for the life of me, I can not remember you but the journey I do. Kudos to you and the completion of your walk. While cleaning off one of my always dirty desks, it showed up and I couldn’t help but track down the notes on your Moon card. LOL, of course, I tried the ‘wherethefuckismymother.ccom’ first! To no avail.

    So, it got completed and you’re … hmm, what are you now?

    Anyway, congrats on the journey and all it’s dumped into your life.
    **as I type this, Zepplin’s Ramble On is playing** Maybe there’s another jaunt destined to occupy your life.

    Best to your and yours.


    April 29, 2021 at 2:58 PM

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